Nursing is not just a degree but an opportunity to serve mankind. An approach or process of making a person physically fit is what makes a Nursing different from other medical professionals.
Chhattisgarh till date was deprived of qualified Nursing, We accepted the challenge &inspite of all odds, In the year 2002 Apollo College of Nursing came in to function with good facilities, a dedicated team of Nursing, faculties & created an atmosphere for students to learn & get acquainted with the speciolised concept of Nursing & earn a degree of Bachelor of Nursing (B.N.)
Biggest testimony to Apollo College of Nursing is the appreciation of students from Hospital & Rehabilitation Centers all over the country during their educational visits. In sequence of up gradation we are soon going to start Masters Programme in Nursing. Unique feature of the Institute is thorough professional learning synchronized with the Indian values of "Guru ShishyoPorampora".